Friday, August 2, 2019

In case anybody thinks I consider the Harry Potter movies inferior to the books

In case anybody thinks I consider the Harry Potter movies inferior to the books:

Um ...

Okay, but only a little tiny bit. Read on ...

J. K. Rowling actively participated in all of the movies. They are true to her original vision. They launched the careers of many successful actors and actresses, and boosted the careers of many other people in the movie industry. The movies are, in one word, masterpieces.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with the movies. I LOVE THEM. The sets, the graphics, the special effects, are amazing. The acting, the directing, the music, the props -- all of it is fantastic. Maybe even magical.

Most of the time, the movie dialogue is word for word from the books. And in some instances, the more memorable lines come from the movies, not the books. The storyline in the movies is as captivating as in the books.

There's just one little thing, and I'm at a loss to explain it. I consider it a personal failing. It's this: I can stay up reading the Harry Potter books until 3:30 in the morning. But every time I sit down to watch a Harry Potter movie, I fall asleep in the middle of it.

Every. Single Time.

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