Friday, October 20, 2017

An inside joke for an audience of one

I talk to a lot of people on my morning commute. I talk to the DJs on the radio. I talk  to the texting app on my phone (guilty as charged, yer honor). I talk to my car. I talk to the traffic lights, especially the red ones. I talk — politely, of course — to the other drivers on the road. And I talk to myself.

I have fun conversations with myself. Sometimes I even make myself giggle.

For example, this morning I was coming up behind and to the left of a VW Beetle that was stuck behind a slowpoke in the right lane. I said, "Come on over, bud, there's room for you." Then I said to myself, "Actually, that's Bug, not bud."

It was an inside joke for an audience of one. The audience liked it. I thought that you might like it too.

A QUESTION FOR YOU: What do you talk about, when you're alone in the car?

1 comment:

Van J Walther said...

I back seat drive the other drivers, comment on the news commentary, and sometimes God and I have a nice conversation.